Friday, January 7, 2011


Ryan wrote about adopting a playoff in college football instead of the BCS system. I think a good metaphor for the BCS is America's political system. Like the BCS, the two party system leaves most people happy but has a lot of faults to it. Being elected as the candidate for either the democrats or republicans is like receiving an automatic bid to play in the national championship. If you're the candidate for another party you still get to participate in the big dance, but there's pretty much no chance you will win the championship, even if you are better than the other candidates. If a playoff like system were to be used in the election, then all affiliations to a party would be removed, and instead a bunch of different candidates would all have a fair shot at winning.

Luke wrote about drug abuse in America and how prescription drug abuse is just as prevalent as illicit drug abuse. A good metaphor to this is the school system. When kids go to secondary schools, or non government regulated schools, people immediately assume they're not getting as good of an education as at standard school. Even though our school system is extremely flawed we're made to believe it is the best possible route for us, even though we could possibly be getting a much better education at a secondary school.